How to save the cost of carbon fiber for concrete reinforcement

cost of carbon fiber

cost of carbon fiber for concrete reinforcement

As a leading manufacturer of structural reinforcement materials, Horse construction will give you a detailed introduction on how to save the cost of construction cost of carbon fiber for concrete reinforcement and repair per unit construction area?

1. Purchasing cost-effective carbon fiber fabric

When purchasing carbon fiber reinforcement materials, you will find that there are various types of carbon fiber reinforcement materials on the market, and they are also divided into multiple quality levels. What kind of carbon fiber reinforcement material can we choose to save the final structrual reinforcement cost? This requires customers or construction units to focus on three aspects when choosing reinforcement materials.

One is whether the performance of carbon fiber reinforcement materials meets the standard?

The second is whether the market price is reasonable?

The third is that after using carbon fiber to strengthen the concrete building, does the building's quality level meet the standard?

The fundamental reason for the difference in the quality of carbon fiber cloth comes from the raw materials-whether the carbon fiber meets the standard. The technology of carbon fiber is roughly on the same level, and the problems are basically the same. Larger. Raw silk technology has always been a bottleneck restricting the development of domestic carbon fiber technology.

Shanghai Horse Construction prefers international high-quality aviation-grade carbon filaments with a monofilament length of up to 5000m to ensure the continuity of carbon fiber reinforcement materials and no broken filaments. Eliminate the quality problems of carbon fiber production from the source.

carbon fiber yarn from Japan

2 Formulate economical carbon fiber concrete reinforcement construction plan

Before the reinforcement construction, it is necessary to formulate a rigorous carbon fiber cloth reinforcement construction plan based on the results obtained from on-site exploration and testing. When formulating construction plans, we must grasp the principles of "economics, feasibility, construction convenience, and environmental protection".

Only the construction plan that has been developed meets the standards in all aspects, especially the economic principle needs to be met. Construction is carried out according to this plan. After completion, the customer will also find that the reinforcement costs spent are relatively small.

3 Entrust a reinforcement company with reasonable charges for construction

The customer entrusted the carbon fiber cloth reinforcement project to different construction units, and the reinforcement quotations given by these construction units vary greatly. Now many customers will choose to cooperate with the reinforcement units with good market reputation. These reinforcement units not only charge a reasonable fee, but also ensure that the reinforcement quality meets the standard. It is the first choice for customers when choosing reinforcement units.

 carbon fiber for concrete reinforcement

4 In the construction process, it is necessary to pay attention to the economical use of carbon fiber materials

When using carbon fiber cloth to reinforce a building, not only the appropriate carbon fiber cloth material needs to be used, but also the economical use of reinforcement materials in the construction process. Especially for large-scale reinforcement projects, the total amount of carbon fiber cloth materials required is large. If there is waste in the construction process, the reinforcement cost will also increase.

5 Strictly control the construction quality during the construction process to prevent the occurrence of secondary reinforcement construction

Regardless of the method used to strengthen the building, it is necessary to do one thing, that is to ensure that the quality of the building can be successfully solved once the reinforcement is constructed. When using carbon fiber cloth to reinforce buildings, the construction quality needs to be strictly controlled during the construction process to ensure that the real-time reinforcement quality can meet the standards, and that the construction quality of each reinforcement process is qualified.

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