Carbon fiber technology in the structural reinforcement

Carbon fiber technology in the structural reinforcement

Regarding the reinforcement of the factory building, the main purpose is to further improve the strength, rigidity, stability and durability of the relevant structural members in the factory building through reinforcement construction. In this way, the effect of repair and reinforcement can be achieved, the bearing capacity of the structure can be improved, and its use function can be enhanced to meet the needs of factory development. Therefore, when selecting the reinforcement construction plan, the construction purpose of improving the quality of the project should be carried out in order to achieve the expected effect.

Precautions for carbon fiber technology in plant reinforcement

(1) When carrying out any plant reinforcement construction, the initial stage of the design needs to have a detailed understanding of the overall situation of the project, clarify the purpose of its use and function, and understand the relevant requirements of the construction process. Conduct a comprehensive survey based on the actual situation of the plant, collect relevant survey data and initial design drawings of the project. In addition, professional technicians should also be hired to conduct a brand-new appraisal of the reliability of the plant, which will serve as an important reference for the next design work. In the construction of using carbon fiber technology to reinforce the factory building, it is not only necessary to meet the requirements of individual components to meet the structure-related use requirements. In the calculation link of the structure, the entire plant should meet the requirements of seismic and other aspects according to the relevant specifications at this stage. The rigidity of the main body needs to be evenly distributed to avoid the occurrence of new weak layers.

(2) In the early stage of plant reinforcement construction, the quality of carbon fiber sheets and related supporting resin-based bonding materials needs to be reviewed. The main content is the product certificate and the factory quality inspection report. Each performance index of the product should meet the relevant provisions of the technical specifications. Only in this way can it be used in the reinforcement construction of the factory building and effectively guarantee the construction quality of carbon fiber technology. Generally speaking, the lap length of carbon fiber cloth along the fiber direction should not be less than 100mm. During the pasting process of carbon fiber cloth, all obstacles should be avoided as much as possible. For some unavoidable operations that need to be truncated, it should be noted that the truncated parts should be treated scientifically and reasonably, and specific measures should be resolved in conjunction with the actual situation of the truncated objects to ensure the quality of construction.

(3) During the reinforcement construction process, the bending of the carbon fiber sheet should be avoided. In the process of carbon fiber bonding, it should be noted that the bonding should be performed before the curing of the adhesive is completed. This can effectively ensure that the adhesive can be closely combined with the surface of the concrete and the carbon fiber material. In this way, the maximum stress transfer effect can be fully achieved between the reinforcement structure and the carbon fiber board. If the adhesive is cured at room temperature during the construction process, it is generally prohibited to move the bonded carbon fiber board within 24 hours. At the same time, it is also necessary to avoid contamination by rain, dust and other objects. When using carbon fiber sheets and matching resin-related bonding materials to reinforce the concrete structure in the plant, it is necessary to strictly follow the relevant technical specifications for the construction of the ball. At the same time, the inspection and acceptance of concealed projects in each construction process in the later period should also be done. For some construction quality that cannot meet the requirements of the specification, a plan should be formulated in time to carry out corresponding remediation or return.

(4) When using carbon fiber technology for reinforcement, the load on this position should be removed first, so that the purpose is to ensure that the structure is in a safe state during the construction process. It can reduce the stress of carbon fiber and other phenomena, so that the effect of reinforcement can be fully exerted. At the same time, it should be noted that the actual sticking area of the sheet should not be less than the construction amount in the design plan, and the position deviation should be guaranteed within 10mm. After the construction is completed, in order to inspect the bonding quality of the carbon fiber sheet and the concrete. A small hammer can be used to gently tap or hand press the surface of the carbon fiber sheet, and the total effective bonding area cannot be less than 95%. If the area of the hollow drum in the carbon fiber cloth is smaller than the area of the hollow drum in the carbon fiber sheet and larger than 10000mm2, then the carbon fiber sheet at the hollow drum needs to be cut appropriately, and the same amount of carbon fiber sheet is selected again for pasting. In this link, it should be ensured that the length of the overlap cannot be less than 100m. When necessary, the quality of the construction can be inspected by sampling the thousand carbon fiber sheets and related supporting resin bonding materials on site.

(5) For the overall effect of using carbon fiber technology on the concrete structure in the factory building, the main source is whether the connection between carbon fiber and concrete can achieve a good state. Therefore, the movement that causes damage to the connection area can cause damage to the entire bonding result and therefore cannot achieve the expected reinforcement effect. Even if the interface connection is not damaged in this process, the cracks and expansion generated by the melancholy connection section can also have a certain impact on the reinforcement strength and rigidity of the plant. Therefore, in this link, it is necessary to apply the primer evenly, and reasonably fill and smooth some of the damaged surfaces to completely remove the excess appendages on the surface. When performing bending reinforcement, it is necessary to ensure that the fiber direction is consistent with the force direction of the reinforcement. In shear reinforcement, the fiber direction and the member axis need to be maintained in a vertical state.

All in all, with the development of economy and science and technology, carbon fiber technology has become more and more widely used in plant reinforcement. In the construction process, a scientific and reasonable construction plan and mature construction technology should be selected to ensure the construction quality of the entire carbon fiber technology.

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