Carbon Fiber Plate Fracture on Structural Strengthening

carbon fiber plate

carbon fiber plate

With the use of new advanced reinforcement materials, carbon fiber plate is more and more widely used in structural reinforcement.

Relatively speaking, carbon fiber plate has relatively many advantages, otherwise it will not be so popular in the building materials market and reinforcement field. Let's take a look at what are the advantages of the new material carbon fiber plate that is often used today?

1. Efficient construction, while shortening the construction period, it can also be completed successfully;

2. The composite material such as carbon fiber plate is flexible on the outside and rigid on the inside. It is convenient to cut and divide, but it can play a better role in reinforcement after the construction is finished;

3. It is a material with high environmental protection level and will not pollute the environment;

4. Easy to use, even novice construction workers can quickly complete the project;

5. Project quality is easy to control;

6. It can effectively deal with the multiple problems of the building;

7. The material price is reasonable. If you need to buy in large quantities, the manufacturer will also give a more reasonable price;

8. There is no need to cooperate with large-scale equipment for joint construction. In addition to the low material cost during the construction period, other expenses are relatively reasonable.

Why does carbon fiber plate break for structural strengthening?

There are two reasons for the fracture of the carbon fiber plate: one is the unqualified quality of the carbon fiber plate material. The carbon fiber plate is formed by infiltrating and hardening carbon fibers arranged in the same direction with resin, and has ultra-high strength. Under a certain length, how much carbon fiber plate can bend without being damaged actually depends on the bonding material and the production process. There are different types of defects on the surface of carbon fiber plate, large deviation of straightness, etc., which will cause stress concentration, uneven force or damage to the anchored end of the carbon fiber plate in the process of high-stress tension. Under a stress state of more than ten tons, damage is extremely easy to occur, which brings no small hidden dangers to the safety of the operation site.

On the other hand, construction and installation caused excessive transverse shear resistance of the carbon fiber plate, or longitudinal eccentric force of the carbon fiber plate. The strength of carbon fiber plate is anisotropic, and it is easy to cause the carbon plate to break due to improper construction.

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