Carbon fiber fabric is popular in structural strengthening

There are many commonly used reinforcement methods, and carbon fiber reinforcement technology is a new and highly acclaimed reinforcement technology.

carbon fiber for concrete repair

Due to historical problems in existing buildings, some building use functions have changed over time, and old designs are difficult to meet the needs of current specifications, and maintenance and reinforcement are urgently needed.

There are many commonly used reinforcement methods, and carbon fiber reinforcement technology is a new and highly acclaimed reinforcement technology.

Features of carbon fiber materials:

Carbon fiber cloth reinforcement Compared with the traditional reinforcement of concrete section or bonded steel concrete, carbon fiber cloth has space saving, simple construction, no need for on-site fixed facilities, construction quality is easy to guarantee, basically does not increase structural size and weight, corrosion resistance, Durability and other characteristics.

In addition, the use of carbon fiber cloth reinforcement method can greatly improve the service life of buildings and reduce the cost of reinforcement.

carbon wrap for the column

Therefore, carbon fiber cloth is favored and paid attention as an epoch-making reinforcement material.

(1) Carbon fiber cloth has high strength and good ductility

The carbon fiber cloth has excellent physical and mechanical properties, the tensile strength is 2000-4500 MPa (about 10 times that of ordinary steel), and the elastic modulus of carbon fiber cloth is 1-2 times that of ordinary steel.

The strength of the carbon fiber cloth is used to improve the bearing capacity, and the high elastic modulus of the carbon fiber cloth is used to improve the ductility of the structure, thereby achieving the purpose of reinforcement.

(2) Carbon fiber cloth has good durability and corrosion resistance

Due to its inherent chemical properties, the carbon fiber cloth can resist the corrosion of common acid-base salts, has good corrosion resistance and durability, and itself can also protect the internal concrete structure, indirectly increasing the concrete protective layer. To achieve a double effect.

(3) Carbon fiber cloth does not increase the weight and volume of the component

The carbon fiber cloth is light in weight and thin in thickness, and basically does not increase the structural weight and size after pasting, and does not affect the effective use space and appearance of the building.

cfrp for slab strengthening

(4) Carbon fiber cloth is suitable for a wide range of applications

Carbon fiber cloth is a flexible material that can be easily cut, so the carbon fiber cloth reinforcement technology can be widely applied to various structural types (such as bridges, tunnels, culverts, chimneys, etc.) and various structural shapes (such as rectangles, circles, and surfaces). Structures, etc., various structural parts (beams, plates, columns, nodes, arches, shells, etc.), and do not change the shape of the structure and do not affect the appearance of the structure, which is not the traditional reinforcement method.

(5) Convenient and efficient construction of carbon fiber cloth

Reinforced with carbon fiber cloth, no large-scale equipment, no wet work, and less space.

The construction work efficiency is high, and the carbon fiber method is 4-5 times of the work efficiency of the bonded steel plate.

The carbon fiber cloth and the construction quality during the reinforcement are easy to ensure. The carbon fiber prepreg is light and soft, and easy to attach. Even if the surface of the reinforced structure is not very flat, a high adhesion rate can be ensured.

These characteristics of carbon fiber cloth provide technical support for the reinforcement of building structure, which determines that carbon fiber reinforcement technology has great economic and social benefits.

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