Applying structural strengthening technology in buildings

structural strengthening

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Problems of structural strengthening technology in building application

Relevant staff have insufficient knowledge of structural strengthening technology

In the use of house construction, due to the influence of physical factors, human factors and natural factors, it will shorten the service life of the house and affect the normal use of the house. The house provides people with a place to live, with strong integrity, and the stability of all structural components plays a vital role in the overall quality of the house. In the course of daily use of the house, if the structure of a certain place is damaged, it is very likely that a joint effect will occur, causing damage to other parts of the house, affecting the normal use of the house, and threatening the safety of residents’ lives and property. In the structural design of house buildings, adopting scientific design concepts can avoid the occurrence of such phenomena. During the construction of house buildings, if the construction personnel strengthens the emphasis on structural strengthening technology to ensure the overall quality of the construction, it will improve the quality of the house building. Overall quality. At this stage, many construction workers in my country have not yet realized the importance of structural strengthening technology, which has led to quality problems in the subsequent use of housing construction, resulting in serious safety accidents.

Seismic structure design of houses is unscientific

my country has a vast territory and ranks third in the world in terms of land area. Its geological structure is relatively complex. Some provinces are located in areas where geological disasters occur frequently, and earthquakes and other geological disasters often occur. If an earthquake occurs, it will seriously threaten people's lives and property and cause serious losses to society. In the process of designing housing construction, scientific design methods are adopted to strengthen the emphasis on building structure strengthening technology, improve the building's ability to resist earthquakes and other geological disasters, and reduce the losses caused by earthquakes. When designing the seismic structure of a house, scientific design measures can effectively improve the stability and safety of the building. Even if the earthquake really comes, it can effectively resist the damage caused by the earthquake and create more time for people to escape. At this stage, in the development process of my country's construction industry, the seismic design of buildings designed by designers is not very reasonable and scientific, and the seismic performance of buildings cannot yet reach the ideal standard. When the earthquake really came, due to the unscientific strengthening technology of the building structure, a large area of the building was damaged, threatening the lives and property safety of the residents and restricting the development and progress of the construction industry.

Construction personnel pay less attention to structural durability

In the process of housing construction, human factors can easily cause damage to the building. As the use time of the building increases, the building is prone to aging. The damage caused by the outside world to the building body gradually reduced the quality of the house building. Once the skeleton inside the building is destroyed, it will lead to the destruction of the entire building. Therefore, in the process of construction, designers must pay attention to structural strengthening technology.

Significance of applying structural strengthening technology in buildings

Improve the seismic performance of house construction

Based on the actual situation in China, China has a vast territory and a very complicated geological structure. Many places are located in areas with frequent geological disasters. These areas often have small-scale earthquake disasters, although they will not have a serious impact on people’s lives and property safety. But it will still bring some economic losses.

In traditional structural design of houses, advanced structural strengthening technology is generally not used, resulting in very poor seismic performance of houses. Even if a small-scale geological disaster occurs, the house will be severely damaged, forcing people to invest huge financial resources to renovate the house, causing serious economic losses. In the event of a severe earthquake disaster, houses built using traditional design methods are damaged very quickly, leaving people with little reaction time, which will magnify the losses caused by the earthquake indefinitely. On the contrary, if a scientific design technique is adopted and the building structure strengthening technique is used, the seismic performance of the house is greatly improved. For the less harmful earthquakes, the reinforced houses can successfully resist the earthquake threat, and for the more harmful earthquakes, they can buy more time for people’s escape and provide security for their normal lives.

Extend the life of the house

Due to the vast territory of my country, the climate varies greatly from place to place. The geological structure and climate of different regions are very different. Because of different natural conditions, the service life of houses and buildings is also different. In areas where the natural environment is relatively harsh, due to the impact of natural disasters such as earthquakes and some wind and rain corrosion, the service life of house buildings is very short. Once there is a problem with the building structure of the house, there will be associated side effects, and other places will also be affected to varying degrees, affecting the normal use of the house and threatening people's lives and property safety. In general, under such circumstances, repairing a house will cost a lot of money, and the repair results obtained are not very satisfactory, greatly reducing the overall robustness of the building. Adopt scientific strengthening technology to improve the overall stability of the house structure and improve the safety and stability of the building. Greatly improve the service life of the house building, improve the house's ability to respond to risks, save house maintenance and management costs, and achieve rapid development and progress in the construction industry.

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