5 key points to be noted for carbon fiber reinforcement

noted for carbon fiber reinforcement

noted for carbon fiber reinforcement

Everyone knows the advantages of carbon fiber materials and the advantages of carbon fiber structure reinforcement. The main advantages are: obvious reinforcement effect, high cost performance, short construction period, low maintenance cost, and suitable for a variety of construction environments. 

Although the reinforcement effect of carbon fiber materials is remarkable, it is necessary to ensure that all key links are noticed during the construction of carbon fiber reinforcement. Everyone knows what specific key links should not be ignored when carrying out carbon fiber reinforcement construction? The following time Horse Construction will come to give you a detailed introduction.

noted for carbon fiber reinforcement

1. Purchase and requirements of approach materials (carbon fiber reinforced materials)

Carbon fiber reinforced materials cannot be bought at will. When construction units buy carbon fiber reinforced materials on the market, it is best to choose a merchant with a good reputation. In addition, according to the construction requirements, purchase appropriate specifications and quality grade carbon fiber reinforced materials. All the carbon fiber reinforced materials entering the site not only require on-site inspection at the time of purchase, but also need to be reviewed twice before construction. Only by ensuring that the final carbon fiber materials are 100% qualified can the final reinforcement effect be guaranteed.

2. Specific requirements for the preparation of structural adhesives

Structural glue and carbon fiber reinforced materials play a complementary role in the process of reinforcement construction. Not only the strict quality review of carbon fiber reinforced materials is required, but also the requirements for carbon fiber cloth structural adhesive. The first is the selection of structural adhesive, and the second is the preparation of structural adhesive. The selected structural adhesive must be matched with carbon fiber reinforced materials. In addition, in the process of preparing structural glue, it is necessary to stir while preparing to avoid the generation of air bubbles. Secondly, before each use, the amount of preparation should not be too much. It is best to use as much as possible to avoid excessive preparation and waste of resources.

3. Standards and requirements for the bonding of carbon fiber reinforced materials

The bonding of carbon fiber reinforced materials is not always possible. Since the matching structural adhesive is required when pasting the carbon fiber reinforcement material, in order to ensure the normal use of the structural adhesive, there are certain requirements for the temperature. When the indoor ambient temperature is below zero, it will affect the use of structural adhesive. Therefore, when the carbon fiber reinforced material is pasted, there is a requirement for temperature, and it is best to construct in an ambient temperature above zero. In addition, when applying structural adhesive, make sure that the coating is smooth and even, so that the carbon fiber reinforcement material can be fully adhered to the concrete contact layer under the action of the structural adhesive.

4. Matters needing attention in the construction of carbon fiber reinforcement

When reinforcing carbon fiber material, it is not pasted at will according to the feeling, but to position the paste position. In addition, the cut carbon fiber material needs to be cut in advance according to the requirements of the reinforcement. Another thing to note about the thickness of the brush is that the number of layers of carbon fiber material should not be too small, so as to prevent the reinforcement effect from being counterproductive.

5. Special requirements for different construction seasons

The temperature is different in different seasons, for example, there are two obvious seasonal differences between summer and winter. In order to ensure the smooth progress of carbon fiber reinforcement construction, the types of structural adhesives required in different construction seasons are also different. The requirements for temperature are high, and this point should be paid attention to during construction.

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