Carbon Fiber Strengthening Technology: Calcium of Architectural

Carbon Fiber Strengthening Technology: Calcium of Architectural Structure

Carbon Fiber Strengthening Technology

How to reinforce damaged buildings? Several insiders said that different types of buildings adopt different reinforcement and repair technologies. Compared with traditional reinforcement and repair technology, new reinforcement technology is gradually applied, and carbon fiber technology leads the trend of building structure reinforcement and reinforcement. In addition, reinforcement is the most effective way to improve the seismic capacity of existing buildings.

Reinforcing experts said that columns, beams and floors are usually wrapped with a layer of steel or carbon fiber, also known as sticky steel or carbon fiber. "For the reinforcement of frame structure buildings, because the middle of the floor is empty, if other forms of reinforcement are used, the effect is not good, so generally use bonded steel or bonded carbon fiber." The reinforcement expert said.

It is reported that in addition to natural disasters, environmental erosion, load increase, structural use change and other problems can also lead to the reduction of the bearing capacity of the building structure. In the past, reinforcement methods such as enlarged section method, external prestressing method and wrapped steel plate method were often used. However, due to its own defects, the application of traditional reinforcement methods was limited. Compared with traditional reinforcement and repair technology, carbon fiber technology has obvious advantages and is the development trend of building structure reinforcement and reinforcement in the world.

What is carbon fiber technology?

The reporter learned that the carbon fiber reinforced concrete structure repair technology is a kind of technology that uses the matching adhesive resin to paste the carbon fiber cloth on the concrete surface, and then plays the role of structural reinforcement and seismic reinforcement for the building. The tensile strength of carbon fiber cloth is about 10-15 times that of ordinary steel, and it has good durability. It is widely used in the reinforcement of building beams, slabs, columns, walls, and other civil works such as bridges, tunnels, chimneys, silos, etc. At the same time, carbon fiber is a very lightweight material with great tensile strength and elastic modulus. At present, most engineering structures are reinforced with carbon fiber sheets, mainly carbon fiber cloth and carbon fiber board.

In addition, shear wall structures with slight damage also need reinforcement. If it is not sealed, the air will easily corrode the reinforcement, which may bring many hidden dangers. However, due to the different crack width of different walls, the reinforcement technology is different.

Strengthening is the most effective way to improve the seismic capacity of existing buildings

In the earthquake, in addition to the severe damage of the load-bearing structure, there are also a large number of non-load-bearing structures or non-structural components. For example, as mentioned in the previous report, the damage mainly includes cracks in different degrees of infilled wall, wall tiles and floor tiles, damage to doors and windows, collapse of ceiling, and equipment damage.

In this regard, reinforcement experts said that the infilled wall is not a main structure, but a secondary structure, so there is no reinforcement problem, nor does it affect the structure. Generally, the joint can be filled up and repaired with glass cloth and carbon fiber cloth, but the specific material to be used depends on whether it is an active crack and its location.

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