Comparison Of Various Types Of Pre-stressed Carbon Fiber Plate

Comparison Of Various Types Of Pre-stressed Carbon Fiber Plate Anchors

Comparison of various types of pre-stressed carbon fiber plate anchors.

Rigid self-locking type pre-stressed carbon plate system;

Semi-mechanical pre-stressed carbon plate system;

Anchor glue type pre-stressed carbon plate system;

Prefabricated one-piece pre-stressed carbon plate system.

horse rigid prestressed carbon fiber plate


Rigid   self-locking type pre-stressed carbon plate system

Semi-mechanical   pre-stressed carbon plate system

Anchor   glue type pre-stressed carbon plate system

Prefabricated   one-piece pre-stressed carbon plate system

Loading   Mode

Purely mechanical

The mechanical and adhesive

Anchor adhesive

Purely mechanical

Structure   Form

Anchorage and carbon plate independence

Anchorage and carbon plate independence

Anchorage and carbon plate independence

Prefabricated anchor head carbon   fiber plate into a whole, need to customize carbon plate according to site   condition

Tensile   Stress

Large tonnage, 30 t can be   realized

Small tonnage, in more than 10 t   difficult to achieve

The tonnage is small, the tension   control is limited, it is difficult for a 5cm carbon plate to break through   10T

The big tonnage

Service   Life

Good durability, pure mechanical   tensile stress, not influenced by any binding materials

Used for a long time can not be   met, durability performance heavily depends on the bonding material itself

Poor durability, depends entirely   on bonding performance material itself

Good durability, purely   mechanical, not influenced by any binding materials

Size,   Weight

Size, mass

Medium size, medium quality

Small size, the quality is   lighter

Very heavy

Clamp   Type

One-way insection fixture, anchorage length is   short

Corrugated fixture, tensioning   end fixed end anchorage length is long


One-piece anchorage

Stress   Form

Anchor fixture self-locking type   adhesive

Fixture adhesive

Plate fixture adhesive

One-piece anchorage

Anchorage   Form

Do not remove the

Need to remove

Need to remove

Do not remove the






Production   Cycle

Without the custom and delivery   period of 5 to 10 days

Without the custom and delivery   period of 5 to 10 days

Without the custom and delivery   period of 5 to 10 days

Need to customize, cycle is long

Construction   Technology

Simple structure, easy to install

Simple structure, waveform   surface and the need for structural adhesive between carbon fiber plate   anchorage

Simple structure, easy to install

Complex structure, complex   installation

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