Carbon Fiber Materials Increase Seismic Resistance Of Structures

Carbon Fiber Composite Materials Increase The Seismic Resistance Of Buildings And Structures

Carbon Fiber Materials Increase Seismic Resistance Of Structures          Carbon Fiber Materials Increase Seismic Resistance Of Structures

Seismic reinforcement is carried out to increase the resistance of houses and buildings to the forces generated by tremors. In addition, this type of fortification allows you to quickly recover from natural disasters that have already occurred. It is particularly important to introduce this technology in areas with frequent seismic activity.

Methods of enhancing the actual earthquake resistance of buildings

In addition to the basic methods of improving seismic activity during construction (such as seismic support), reinforcement systems are also used in practice to provide sufficient bearing capacity and resistance to bending moments.

This includes classic reinforcement methods: the installation of reinforced concrete jackets, spray gun treatment, and the installation of metal clamps. However, the actual implementation of these projects is characterized by high labor costs and the need to temporarily stop the structure. 

The use of carbon composite materials is a more reasonable and modern technology to improve seismic resistance. It can be used in areas with high levels of seismic activity and can reduce the seismic load by four times.

Carbon Fiber Materials          Carbon Fiber Materials Increase Seismic Resistance Of Structures

Characteristics of seismic reinforcement of carbon composite materials

The principle of using innovative composite materials to increase the strength of houses and buildings is very simple. The process involves the use of carbon fiber fabrics, carbon fiber panels and carbon fiber mesh to bond all areas of the building complex together, which are subject to high compressive and tensile loads, bending moments, and support areas. Both the reinforced concrete frame and the brick building were strengthened against earthquakes. In this case, the following types of work will be performed:

  • Strengthen the column and bearing bracket;

  • Strengthen ceilings, beams and spans;

  • Strengthen the wall (especially load-bearing).

The application range of carbon fiber-based composite materials is very wide, so using this technology to improve the seismic resistance of buildings can achieve the following goals:

  • Ensure the safety of the building in the event of an earthquake;

  • Prevent damage to important objects such as power supply, communication, and fire extinguishing;

  • While preserving the structure of the building, it significantly improves its sustainability.

This carbon fiber strengthening technology is actively used for seismic amplification all over the world, showing excellent results.

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