How To Strengthen Load-bearing Wall And Shear Walls?

How To Carry Out Reinforcement Construction For Load-bearing Walls And Shear Walls?

wall repair

When it comes to wall structure, it is easy to think of load-bearing walls and shear walls. These two types of wall structures play an important role during the use of a house. Is everyone clear about the difference between the two?

Usually the beams support the superstructure, and the load-bearing wall is the fulcrum of the beams, so the wall below the beam is mostly the load-bearing wall. In addition, most of the exterior walls and public walls with neighbors are also load-bearing walls, while the walls of the toilets, storage rooms, kitchens and aisles in the house are generally non-load-bearing walls.

The difference between load-bearing wall and shear wall

1. The function and function are different. The load-bearing wall, as the name suggests, plays a role in bearing performance. Shear walls play the role of anti-seismic and wind-proof.

2. The problems that are prone to occur during the application are different. Shear walls are prone to cracking. If the shear walls have been put into use for a long time, various undesirable problems such as the reduction of earthquake resistance may occur.

3. The construction focus is different. Due to the different functions of the two types of walls, the construction focus that needs to be controlled in place during construction on site is different. In addition, there are obvious differences in the design of the construction plan and the operating principles to be followed. .

Key introduction to the reconstruction and reinforcement of load-bearing walls

1. First of all, it is necessary to use a variety of detection devices to analyze the current substantive disease problems of the load-bearing wall, and it is also good to work symptomatically during the later on-site reinforcement construction.

2. Based on the disease problem of the load-bearing wall found, one is to formulate and design a rectification plan for the load-bearing wall with strong practicality, and the other is to select suitable reinforcement materials.

3. Consider and calculate a variety of reinforcement measures with high construction feasibility, and apply well-performing and comprehensive reinforcement technology to rectify the load-bearing wall on site.

4. Reasonably allocate the amount of construction tasks to each link and reinforcement stage, one is to avoid delays in the construction period, and the other is to achieve a successful completion.

Precautions for reinforcement of shear wall

1. The on-site survey of the shear wall should not be underestimated. Only when the disease manifestations of the shear wall are clearly grasped can accurate and symptomatic construction be carried out.

2. According to the disease manifestations of the shear wall, apply appropriate reinforcement measures to rectify and maintain.

3. Based on the priority of the current diseases of the shear wall, analyze which material is used to achieve a significant completion effect. In addition, during on-site operations, precise maintenance is also required to achieve successful completion.

Regardless of the type of wall structure, it must be rectified and maintained in time after undesirable diseases are found. The load-bearing walls and shear walls play an irreplaceable role during the use of the house. They must be reinforced and rectified as soon as possible, otherwise it will affect the good performance of these two types of walls during subsequent use.

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