Why Use Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Fabric To Reinforce Building

Why Use Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Fabric To Reinforce Buildings That Have Been In Service For A Short Time

Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Fabric To Reinforce Building

After seeing the huge losses caused by the collapse of the building, everyone paid more and more attention to the reinforcement of the building. Among them, the unidirectional carbon fiber fabric reinforcement technology is very popular nowadays. A customer came to inquire, "The building has not been in service for a long time, why use unidirectional carbon fiber fabric to reinforce it?"

1. There are cracks in the structure, one-way carbon fiber fabric will help!

The structure used to be wooden structure, but now it is basically concrete structure. The concrete structure has a disadvantage, that is, it is easy to produce cracks. The existence of cracks will corrode the steel bars in the building, thereby reducing the bearing capacity of the structure. Therefore, we must use carbon fiber fabric to "insure" the structure and "cover" the cracks with carbon fiber fabric to limit the development of cracks. Whether it is a structural column, a structural beam, or a structural wall, the unidirectional carbon fiber fabric is suitable.

2. If you want to change the function of the building, you can use unidirectional carbon fiber fabric.

Some owners want to add a swimming pool at home, or add a floor to the house. This is equivalent to increasing the load on the original structure, the original structure design did not take into account the existing demand changes. If you add a swimming pool rashly, the structure will definitely be unbearable. What should I do?

This reflects the role of unidirectional carbon fiber fabric. The carbon fiber fabric reinforced structure will not affect the aesthetics, because there is no need to use large machines, the construction area is small, and normal life is not affected.

3. The original structure does not meet the requirements of the current national regulations. One-way carbon fiber fabric will help.

The current national building codes continue to be new, and most of the buildings that have been left before do not meet the safety standards. However, if one is demolished and reconstructed, it will be a waste to the people and money, and the other will not be in line with sustainable development. Therefore, reinforcement with carbon fiber fabric has become a good choice. For the factory building, it can be strengthened while operating normally, for the school, it can be strengthened while teaching, and for our house, the disturbance to life is not as great as other reinforcement methods. No one wants to be disturbed. Everyone wants to stop the loss drastically. Then carbon fiber fabric reinforcement will be popular. Now think about it, it’s not surprising~

Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Fabric To Reinforce Building

HORSE unidirectional carbon fiber fabric strength test data 4424.1582! Much better than steel!

HORSE unidirectional carbon fiber fabric has a specific gravity of only 23% of steel, but its strength is 10 times that of steel. It is truly lightweight and high-strength. It is resistant to acid and alkali, corrosion and fatigue, and has passed the strict "Technical Specification for Safety Appraisal of Engineering Reinforcement Materials". Moreover, it has passed the 50-year damp heat aging certification, and one reinforcement can make your building live for another 50 years.

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