The Core Points Of Cracking Reinforcement On The Beam

The Core Points Of Cracking Reinforcement On The Beam

beam strengthening using FRP

The beam is an important load-bearing component in the house. If the head of the household does not perform regular inspection and maintenance of various building components (beams are one of them) during the use of the house, the internal structure of the house is also prone to some quality problems. Taking beams as an example, many beams that have been put into use will have problems such as cracking. What is the key to ensure the construction quality of beam cracking reinforcement?

1. Choose the appropriate beam reinforcement method

In the construction of beam reinforcement, although there are a variety of reinforcement methods to solve the current beam cracking problem. However, if the reinforcement method is different, the cracking problem of the beam after reinforcement will have a certain difference in the completion effect. Whether it is beam cracking or other quality problems, it is necessary to ensure that the selection and use of beam reinforcement methods are appropriate.

2. Ensure that the quality of the building materials used in the reinforcement construction pass the customs

In order to complete the quality problems of beams with high quality, appropriate building materials must also be used when strengthening and maintaining the beams. At present, there are many kinds of reinforcement materials suitable for solving the quality problems of beams. If the quality levels of the reinforcement materials used are different, the construction difficulty of these reinforcement materials during construction will be different, and the construction effects that can be obtained after completion are also very different.

3. Targeted reinforcement should be done during construction

Since most of the beam cracking problems are only localized, after the reinforcement work is completed, the beams need to be strengthened in a targeted manner to ensure that the local beam cracking problems can be completely solved.

beam strengthening using CFRP

4. Pay attention to the quality of the currently completed construction to ensure that the beam reinforcement project can be completed efficiently and with high quality

In the reinforcement construction of the beam, how to ensure that the construction quality of the beam can be completed better and more effectively? In the construction process, no matter whether the beam crack is serious or not, it is necessary to pay attention to the real-time completion of the construction quality at present to ensure that the ideal construction effect is achieved after the completion of the construction.

5. The hidden safety hazards in the construction of beam reinforcement cannot be ignored

Some beams have been used for 20 to 30 years, or even 40 to 50 years. Therefore, when we find cracks in these beams, we will also find that these beams still have more problems. In order to realize the safe construction of the entire construction process, the construction unit will investigate the hidden dangers of the building site to ensure the safe and efficient construction of the construction process.

6. In view of the actual problems of the beam, formulate a feasible reinforcement construction plan

Many beams have serious quality problems, especially some beams with more problems. Before strengthening and curing such beams, we should pay more attention to the formulation of construction plans. When the problem location of the beam is reinforced in the construction process according to the plan with strong construction convenience and high construction feasibility, a more ideal beam reinforcement effect can also be achieved.

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